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Find out what R Value is
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Read about Wall Systems and R values
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Get some R-value Home Insulation Tips
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Read about Spray Foam Insulation
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Read about Deciding The Best Insulation For Homes |
What is Spray Foam Insulation? |
Spray foam insulation is a two part system designed to provide a high r-value polyurethane foam between wall studs.
Where foam is sprayed over large areas of building interiors, its exposed surface should be protected from fire hazard as per your local building code. The reason for this is spray foam insulation can be very dangerous when on fire and in some cases can not be extinguished.
Spray foam insulation comes as a liquid and must be handled with extreme care. When using spray foam insulation ensure you follow all handling and storage instructions and avoid prolonged breathing of the fumes.
Where is Spray Foam Insulation Used?
Rigid polyurethane spray foam insulation can be used for buildings, water heaters, refrigerated transport, and commercial and residential refrigeration. Sprayed Polyurethane Foam insulation has been used as a high performance commercial roofing system with significant insulation properties and leak prevention due to its monolithic seal. Polyurethane spray foam insulation may also used for flotation, packaging, furniture, adhesives, architectural design, and cavity filling.
Where is Spray Foam Insulation Used?
There are a number of benefits of spray foam insulation. Just a few of the benefits are:
- Spray foam insulation helps stops air and moisture infiltration
- Spray foam insulation helps save on energy costs
- Spray foam insulation can add strength to a building structure
- Spray foam insulation is rigid and helps prevent sagging
- Spray foam insulation helps keep dust and pollen out
Spray Foam Insulation Protection
Warm air holds more moisture than cold air.
Even though spray foam insulation is resistant to water, it still can be affected. Protecting your home from moisture is not the job of spray foam insulation. The job of spray foam insulation is to insulate your home, keep you warm and save you money. Keeping moisture out of the home is the job of Dimpled Membrane. protects your spray foam insulation and allows it to its job of saving you money.
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