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Find out what R Value is
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Read about Wall Systems and R values
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Get some R-value Home Insulation Tips
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Read about Spray Foam Insulation
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Read about Deciding The Best Insulation For Homes |
What is R value? |
R value insulation ratings are used to measure insulations ability to resist heat flow. The higher the R value, the more effective it is. House Insulation should be purchased based on its R value, not thickness or weight.
Facts About R value
Some quick facts about R value are:
- One type of insulation maybe thicker or thinner, but if the R value is the same they should insulate equally.
- R value performance testing is done in a 70 F environment with no air movement. Ironically enough, when you need insulation the most you're generally not in these ideal temperatures or conditions. This can result in the rated house insulation R value being higher than the actual effective R value.
- The average recommended R value of insulating material for basement insulation in North America is R-12.
- The R value in house insulation is substantially lowered when there's any air or water/moisture leaks.
- The standard R value for house insulation varies based on climate and temperature
- 1 inch of insulation is = to 30 inches of concrete.
There are different types of house insulation materials, each having a different R value. Some of the best insulation materials are:
- House Insulation R value of Blown in Cellulose Insulation is 3.70 per inch
- House Insulation R value of Fiberglass Insulation is 3.14 per inch
- House Insulation R value of Expanded Polystyrene is 4.00 per inch
Table of R Value

Some quick facts about R value are:
 R value for house insulation standards |
 table of r value for house insulation standards |
The house insulation r value of insulating boards are:
Expanded polystyrene 4.00 per inch
Extruded polystyrene 5.00 per inch
Polyisocyanurate &
Polyurethane 6-7 per inch
Protecting Your House Insulation and its R value |
Protecting your house insulation and keeping your R value high is extremely important. Water is one of the biggest concerns in regards to R value and house insulation. If moisture/water gets into your house insulation, it lowers the R value. The moisture will weigh down the insulation leaving gaps and bare spots. Dimpled Membrane provides a permanent barrier against water/moisture from entering your home. It protects your house insulation and its R value by helping keep your home dry and healthy.
helps protect and increase the life expectancy of your house insulation and its R value. |
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